During Business Hours:If you are having an emergency during our normal hours, please contact our office phone: 978-463-3321One of our team members will answer the phone and assist you with scheduling an appointment as soon as possible. We offer same-day exams for patients with emergencies, but same-day treatment cannot be guaranteed. Some dental treatments require a referral or additional time. Nonetheless, we will make every effort to accommodate you and provide treatment as soon as possible. After Business Hours:If you are having an emergency after hours, please try one of the following ways to get in touch: -Text our office phone number 978-463-3321 -Email us at care@rubyfamilydentistry.com*Please be advised that messages over weekends/holidays are checked periodically so please do not expect an immediate response. We will attempt to contact you via call or text and provide assistance.*
Common Dental Emergencies:
- Dental Trauma: knocked-out or loose teeth
- Severe pain
- Uncontrolled oral bleeding
- Dental Infection, typically accompanied by pain and swelling
Please note, for severe head, neck, or jaw trauma, we recommend you seek medical attention from your primary physician or visit the nearest emergency room.
Additionally, if you are encountering extreme facial swelling that is making it difficult to breathe or swallow, we advise you to head directly to the emergency room.